Tremulus Lune

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Tremulus Lune

SKU: MSJAKTIRMS Category: Tag:


Tremulus Lune…tremulus smoothly changes your volume to give depth and wealth to any guitar soundcreate a trembling, shivering voice penetrating all other sounds…Dial in an exact tempo with the fine tuning knob, and blend the perfect waveshape using the many available waveshaper controls (spacing, smoothness, ramp-up, symmetry, pulse)…… the tremulus uses optical components for the purest analog tremolo sound available, without distorting your soundFeatures:

  • Speed: rate of the effect, from a steady swell, to a rapid fire arm
  • Symmetry: from ramp-up sawtooth, to triangle, to ramp-down. (pulse width when Smoothness is at square)
  • Depth: amount of effect from barely a shudder to full tremulation. Can achieve silence to blaring loud squarewave chop
  • Spacing: loud/quiet “balance” waveshaper… adjusts spacing between volume pulses
  • Smoothness: blend between full on/off squarewave “chop” to smooth buttery sine-tri-round wave
  • Gain: overall boost/cut
  • True Bypass
  • 9v adapter power only (not included)

Tremulus Lune
