Navy Superior Civilian Service Award Medal Ribbon
Navy Superior Civilian Service Award Medal Ribbon
-50% Off$5.99 $2.99
Category: Hot Sale
Tags: Civilian Service, collections:Awards, collections:Ezr Items, collections:Marine Corps, collections:Military Medals And Ribbons, collections:Military Ribbons, collections:Navy, EZR, ISLAND_4, Marine Corps, Navy, OFAPP_ENABLE_HOLD_ITEM, sbb, SBB_Awards, sbb?_w=50&h=14, Standard Ribbon (Slide On)
Navy Superior Civilian Service Award Medal Ribbon
The Navy Superior Civilian Service Award Medal is a decoration presented by the United States Secretary of the Navy to recognize Navy civilian employees who have provided exceptional services that have made a significant and positive impact on the Department of the Navy. It is the second highest honorary award bestowed on civilian employees by the Department of the Navy, the highest being the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Award.